Cold-Hardy Fig Trees: A Guide for Colder Climates

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Are you a fan of figs but worried that your cold climate might not be suitable for growing them? Don’t worry, you can still enjoy these delicious fruits even in chilly weather. While fig trees are typically associated with warm climates, there are several cold-hardy varieties available that can thrive in colder regions.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore some of the best cold-hardy fig tree varieties that you can grow in your backyard. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner looking to try your hand at growing figs, this article has got you covered. Let’s dig into the world of cold-hardy fig trees and discover the best options for your garden.

Tips for Growing Cold-Hardy Fig Trees

Before we dive into our list of recommended varieties, let’s discuss some essential tips for growing fig trees in cold weather. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your fig trees thrive and produce bountiful harvests even in chilly climates.

  • Site Selection: Choose a sunny location protected from the wind, such as next to a south-facing wall. This will provide your fig tree with the warmth and shelter it needs to survive the winter.

  • Pruning: Consider keeping your tree pruned into a bush form, especially if you anticipate having to cover or wrap it during the winter months.

  • Protection: Use materials like burlap, tar paper, or chicken wire filled with mulching material to protect your tree from harsh winter conditions. Ensure that the base of the tree is covered with a thick layer of mulch to protect its roots.

  • Container Growing: If you’re in a particularly cold climate, consider planting a dwarf-type fig tree in a large container with casters. This will allow you to easily move the tree to a protected area during the winter, such as a garage.

Remember that the timing of cold spells can impact your fig tree’s ability to withstand freezing temperatures. By following these tips and selecting the right cold-hardy variety, you can successfully grow fig trees in colder areas.

Best Cold-Hardy Fig Varieties

Now that you’re equipped with the necessary knowledge for growing fig trees in cold weather, it’s time to explore some of the best cold-hardy varieties available. Here are seven top picks that can thrive in chilly climates:

1. Brown Turkey

  • Description: Brown Turkey fig trees can grow up to 20 feet tall but can be pruned to a more manageable size. They do well in USDA Zones 7 to 9, with additional protection needed in Zone 6.
  • Availability: You can find Brown Turkey plants in various sizes at online retailers like Hirts: Edible Figs and Home Depot.

2. Brunswick

  • Description: Also known as Magnolia, Brunswick fig trees produce medium-to-large purple fruit with pink to amber flesh. They are hardy to 5°F and thrive in Zones 7, 8, and 9.
  • Availability: Live Brunswick plants are available from Wellspring Garden Store via Amazon.

3. Celeste

  • Description: Celeste fig trees produce small, sweet brown-purple figs and can reach 15 feet in height and width. They are cold-resistant to 0°F and do well in Zones 5 to 9.
  • Availability: You can purchase Celeste plants in various container sizes from retailers like Nature Hills Nursery and Home Depot.

4. Hardy Chicago

  • Description: Known for its sweet, light purple-brown figs, Hardy Chicago fig trees are among the hardiest varieties. They can withstand Zone 6 winters and possibly even Zone 5 with proper protection.
  • Availability: Find Hardy Chicago plants in #3 containers at Nature Hills Nursery.

5. Petite Negra (Negri)

  • Description: With a mature size of three to four feet tall and wide, Petite Negra fig trees are ideal for container growing. They produce medium-to-large, deep purple-black fruit with a thin skin.
  • Availability: Look for Petite Negra plants at your local nursery or online retailers.

6. Violette de Bordeaux

  • Description: Violette de Bordeaux fig trees are known for their blackish-purple fruit with purple-red pulp. They grow to six to 10 feet tall and do well in Zones 5 to 9.
  • Availability: Purchase Violette de Bordeaux plants from reputable nurseries like Nature Hills Nursery.

7. White Marseilles

  • Description: White Marseilles fig trees produce greenish-yellow fruits with sweet yellow flesh. Thomas Jefferson was a fan of this variety, which is suitable for Zones 6 to 9.
  • Availability: Live White Marseilles plants are available from retailers like Burpee.

Growing Figs in Cold Climates: Your Ultimate Guide

In conclusion, growing fig trees in cold climates is possible with the right selection of cold-hardy varieties and proper care. By following the tips outlined in this article and choosing one of the recommended varieties, you can enjoy delicious figs even in chilly weather.

Do you have experience growing figs in colder regions? Share your favorite variety and any tips you have for fellow cool-weather gardeners in the comments below. And if you’re looking to expand your fruit tree orchard, check out our other articles on growing peach trees, cold-hardy avocado trees, and fruiting cherry trees.

Remember, with a little care and attention, you can successfully grow fig trees in colder areas and enjoy the sweet rewards of your harvest. Happy gardening!

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