The Complete Guide to Growing and Caring for Norfolk Island Pine: Your Year-Round Christmas Tree

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How about bringing a touch of evergreen beauty into your home this holiday season with a living Christmas tree that you can enjoy throughout the year? Enter Norfolk Island pine, the perfect solution for those looking to add a festive touch that lasts beyond the holiday season.

My husband and I stumbled upon one of these beauties, nearly tossing it in the compost pile. Thankfully, we realized the resilience of these conifers – and now we want to share everything you need to know about caring for this lovely plant.

So settle in and let’s dive into the world of Norfolk Island pine – from cultivation and history to propagation, care tips, pruning, and everything in between. By the end of this article, you’ll be well equipped to keep your Norfolk Island pine green, fresh, and vibrant for years to come.

What Is Norfolk Island Pine?

Araucaria heterophylla, also known as Norfolk Island pine, is a coniferous tree prized for its evergreen foliage and symmetrical shape. This tree, often referred to as the “star pine” or “Australian pine,” is a delightful addition to any indoor space.

But what sets this tree apart is its unique leaves – with both needle-like and scale-like foliage, giving it a charming and distinctive appearance. While often associated with the holiday season as the “living Christmas tree,” the Norfolk Island pine shines as a year-round houseplant option.

Here’s a quick overview of what we’ll discuss:

  • What Is Norfolk Island Pine? – Cultivation and History – Propagation – How to Grow – Growing Tips – Pruning and Maintenance – Where to Buy – Managing Pests and Disease – Best Uses – Quick Reference Growing Guide

Cultivation and History

Norfolk Island pine, despite its name, isn’t a true pine. Belonging to the Araucariaceae family, known as ancient conifers that roamed the Earth with dinosaurs, this tree finds its roots in the South Pacific. Native to Norfolk Island, this evergreen conifer boasts a rich history dating back to Captain Cook’s voyages to the South Pacific.

Today, the Norfolk Island pine is cherished globally for its ornamental value in subtropical, warm temperate, and Mediterranean climates. In regions like Hawaii or certain parts of California and Florida, these trees can reach heights of up to 200 feet if grown outdoors.

However, for most of us, these trees shine indoors as houseplants, typically growing to a manageable height of 5-8 feet. With its unique appearance, soft foliage, and strikingly resilient nature, the Norfolk Island pine emerges as a delightful addition to any home.


If you’re eager to expand your Norfolk Island pine collection, propagation opens up multiple avenues to grow new plants. From the traditional seed-growing method to the more adventurous cutting technique, there’s a propagation method for every level of expertise.

From Seed

Embark on your propagation journey by obtaining fresh Norfolk Island pine seeds. Low on seeds? Opt for a pinecone to secure multiple seed capsules – each containing a single seed. Choose recently harvested seeds for optimal viability, as these seeds lose potency quickly.

Surface-sow your seed capsules in small nursery pots with sterile potting soil. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and provide bright light for germination. Within 10-21 days, your seedlings should emerge, ready to grow into healthy saplings.

From Cuttings

For those looking to propagate through cuttings, proceed with caution. Unlike seed propagation, cutting propagation requires more finesse and technique. Opt for a sharp, sterilized pruner to cut a 4-5 inch segment from an existing branch.

Remove foliage from the base, apply a rooting hormone, and plant the cutting in sterilized growing medium. Maintain warmth and humidity, and within time, your cutting should root, ready to grow into a new tree.

How to Grow

Caring for your Norfolk Island pine revolves around a few key principles: provide bright indirect light, use well-draining soil, and maintain optimal moisture levels. To ensure your plant thrives, consider the following growing tips for a healthy and vibrant tree year-round.

Choosing a Plant

Select a Norfolk Island pine free from pests or diseases, with lush green foliage and a symmetrical shape. Inspection is key, ensuring your new plant meets your size and quality preferences.


Position your Norfolk Island pine in a bright, indirect light location, ideally offering a mix of morning sun and afternoon shade. Maintain consistency in lighting to prevent issues like foliar bleaching or yellowing needles.


Keep your tree above 50°F at all times, avoiding exposure to temperatures below 35°F. With a preference for indoor average conditions, aim for temperatures ranging from 60-72°F during the day and slightly cooler at night.


Balance moisture levels by watering when the top inch of soil feels dry. Strike a balance between appropriate moisture and avoiding waterlogged conditions by adopting a smart watering routine based on your plant’s age, environment, and needs.


Enhance humidity levels to 50% or above to ensure your Norfolk Island pine thrives. Employ tactics like grouping plants, using a humidifier, setting up a pebble tray, or misting your tree daily for added humidity.


Opt for biannual fertilization during the active growing season, avoiding frequent amendments that promote rapid growth. Maintain a steady supply of nutrients through general-purpose houseplant fertilizers or organic alternatives like worm compost tea.

Pruning and Maintenance

While Norfolk Island pines are low-maintenance, occasional pruning and care routines can help your tree thrive and maintain its charming appearance. From holiday care tips to pruning and repotting advice, here’s how you can keep your Norfolk Island pine looking its best year-round.

Holiday Care

When decorating your Norfolk Island pine, opt for lightweight ornaments to prevent damage to the delicate branches. Avoid placing your tree near fireplaces or drafty areas, prioritizing temperature consistency to shield the tree from stress.


Trim dead lower branches and browned tips as needed to maintain your tree’s appearance. Avoid excessive pruning of healthy growth to preserve the tree’s symmetrical shape and overall aesthetic.


Tailor your repotting schedule to match your growth aspirations for the tree. Transition to larger pots for accelerated growth, or maintain your plant’s size by refreshing the soil and retaining the same pot size. Prioritize proper drainage and soil quality to safeguard your plant’s health.

Where to Buy

From small tabletop trees to large floor-standing specimens, there’s a Norfolk Island pine for every space and preference. Explore various size options to match your needs, ensuring optimal care and growth for a thriving houseplant.

Explore buying opportunities:

  • Small: Costa Farms offers a 10-inch Norfolk Island pine suitable for compact spaces.
  • Medium: United Nursery presents a 2-2.5 foot Norfolk Island pine ideal for diverse indoor locations.
  • Large: Embrace a statement piece with a 4-foot Norfolk Island pine from Costa Farms.
  • Bonsai: Elevate your decor with a bonsai Norfolk Island pine from Bonsai Boy for a unique twist on this classic tree.

With a range of options to choose from, finding your ideal Norfolk Island pine is a breeze. Select the perfect size and style to accentuate your home decor, adding a touch of evergreen charm year-round.

Managing Pests and Disease

While Norfolk Island pines are relatively resilient to pests and diseases, vigilance and prompt action are key to safeguarding your plant’s health. Stay ahead of common issues like mealybugs, scale, spider mites, and potential diseases like anthracnose or root rot by monitoring for early warning signs and adopting targeted treatment solutions.


Combat pesky pests like mealybugs, scale, and spider mites through proactive monitoring and prompt intervention. Utilize remedies like rubbing alcohol or neem oil to address infestations, maintaining a healthy environment for your Norfolk Island pine.


Stay proactive in addressing potential diseases like anthracnose, root rot, or sooty mold by implementing preventative measures and targeted treatments. Maintain optimal growing conditions to reduce the risk of fungal issues and provide a healthy environment for your tree to thrive.

With a solid pest and disease management strategy in place, your Norfolk Island pine will remain robust and vibrant year-round, showcasing its evergreen beauty in your home.

Best Uses

Embrace the versatility of Norfolk Island pines, incorporating them into diverse settings and decor styles to elevate your indoor oasis. From small table displays to large floor statements, these trees shine as ornamental houseplants, holiday decor accents, and landscaping features.

Curate a charming display by pairing your Norfolk Island pine with complementary plants like amaryllis, Christmas cactus, or poinsettia for a cohesive and festive look. Explore various placement options to showcase your tree’s evergreen allure, maximizing its aesthetic impact in your home.

Conclusion: Your Evergreen Companion

From the elegance of its foliage to the resilience of its growth, Norfolk Island pines stand out as versatile and captivating houseplants for any home. With proper care and attention to its unique needs, your Norfolk Island pine will thrive and flourish, bringing year-round joy and beauty to your space.

Whether adorning your home during the holiday season or serving as a year-round companion, these charming trees captivate with their symmetrical shape and lush greenery. Embrace the beauty and grace of Norfolk Island pines, cultivating a flourishing and festive atmosphere in your home.

So, bring home a Norfolk Island pine today, and embark on a rewarding journey of growth and greenery with this beloved evergreen companion.

And remember, these trees aren’t just for the holidays – they’re for life. Cherish your Norfolk Island pine year-round and let its natural beauty and resilience brighten your home.

Enjoy the evergreen beauty of Norfolk Island pine year-round, cultivating a thriving and festive atmosphere in your home with this delightful evergreen companion. #NorfolkIslandPine, #LivingChristmasTree, #Houseplants, #IndoorGardening

Photos by Kristina Hicks-Hamblin and Kristine Lofgren

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