Mastering the Art of Boston Fern Care: Overwintering and Beyond

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Are you a fan of ferns, particularly the Boston fern? If so, you’re not alone. This versatile, gorgeous plant is a favorite among many gardeners due to its beauty and ease of care. However, when winter rolls around, even the most seasoned plant parent may face challenges keeping their Boston fern thriving.

As temperatures drop and growth slows, your Boston fern may start to look a little downcast compared to its vibrant self during the growing season. But fear not! With the right care during the winter months, you can help your N. exaltata survive the cold and come back even stronger in the spring.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the ins and outs of overwintering a Boston fern, along with essential tips and items you’ll need to ensure your plant’s health and longevity. Let’s jump right in!

Why Proper Overwintering Matters

There are several key benefits to overwintering your Boston fern properly, rather than leaving its care up to chance:


  • By overwintering your plant successfully, you can save money on purchasing new flora every spring.
  • Ensure the longevity of your perennial specimen year after year.


  • Proper care during the winter months can help your Boston fern survive and look its best when spring arrives.
  • Eliminate ragged-looking winter foliage and pests by following recommended care practices.

Health and Vigor

  • Brown fronds in winter are susceptible to pests and pathogens. By pruning them, you can prevent infestations and infections.
  • Priming your fern for regrowth in the spring with proper overwintering care.


  • Protect your Boston fern from harsh winter conditions that could potentially kill it.
  • Adapt your care techniques to the changing needs of your plant throughout the year for optimal health and longevity.

Essential Tools for Overwintering Your Boston Fern

While you don’t need a plethora of items to overwinter your N. exaltata, a few essential tools can make the process easier:

Hand Pruners

  • Perfect for snipping off brown and dying fronds.
  • Invest in a pair of bypass pruners for clean cuts.

Garden Hose with Spray Nozzle

  • Give your Boston fern a good shower before bringing it indoors.
  • Opt for a spray nozzle with a gentle “shower” setting to avoid damaging the fronds.

Humidity Tray

  • Keep your Boston fern happy with increased humidity.
  • Fill a tray with water and pebbles to create a humid environment.

Watering Can

  • While your fern doesn’t need as much water in winter, it still requires hydration.
  • Choose a well-balanced watering can with a narrow spout for dense foliage.

Equip yourself with these essential tools to ensure your Boston fern thrives during the winter months.

How to Overwinter Your Boston Fern: Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re in USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11 or beyond, proper overwintering is essential for your Boston fern’s survival. Follow these steps to care for your plant during the cold season:

  1. Preparation: Before temperatures drop below 45°F, bring your Boston fern indoors.
  2. Watering: Give your plant a thorough shower with a garden hose and let it dry in the sun.
  3. Pruning: Remove brown or damaged fronds, and trim excessively long ones for a tidy appearance.
  4. Adjustment: Place your fern in a cool, moderately warm location away from direct sunlight.
  5. Humidity: Use a humidity tray or group your plants together for increased moisture.
  6. Watering: Only water your Boston fern when the soil is completely dry.
  7. Monitoring: Keep an eye on your plant’s health and make adjustments as needed.
  8. Transition: When temperatures rise in the spring, gradually reintroduce your fern to its outdoor environment.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Boston fern survives the winter and thrives in the spring.

Embrace the Journey of Overwintering

Overwintering your Boston fern can be a rewarding experience, regardless of the outcome. Whether your plant emerges from the winter season unscathed or requires a little extra care, you’ll learn valuable lessons that will benefit your gardening skills in the long run.

Remember, sharing your experiences and insights with fellow gardeners can help the community grow and learn together. So don’t hesitate to ask questions, share anecdotes, or provide feedback in the comments section below.

For more tips on caring for ferns and other pteridophyte friends, check out these related articles:

  • How to Grow and Care for Ferns
  • How to Grow and Care for Heart Ferns
  • How to Grow and Care for Autumn Ferns

With the right knowledge and tools, you can master the art of Boston fern care and enjoy a thriving plant year-round. Happy gardening!


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