The Truth Behind Plants that Repel Mosquitoes

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Are you tired of pesky mosquitoes ruining your outdoor gatherings? Do you find yourself looking for natural solutions to keep them away? Many people turn to plants that are said to repel mosquitoes, but do they really work? In this article, we will explore popular mosquito-repelling plants, how they work, and whether they are truly effective.

Debunking the Myth

You may have heard about various plants that are believed to repel mosquitoes, such as basil, mint, and citronella grass. While these plants do contain compounds that have insect-repelling properties, simply planting them in your garden will not magically make mosquitoes disappear.

The key to unlocking these plants’ mosquito-repelling powers is by crushing or burning some part of the plant to release the repellent substances. So, while lavender and lemongrass may look beautiful in your garden, they are not a quick fix for a mosquito-free backyard.

The Citronella Controversy

One of the most popular mosquito-repelling plants is citronella. However, not all citronella plants are created equal. The “citronella plant” commonly found in stores is actually a type of geranium that contains less than 1% citronellal, the compound responsible for repelling insects.

For a more effective solution, consider growing Ceylon citronella grass or Java citronella grass, which contain much higher concentrations of citronellal. These grasses are commonly used in commercial citronella products, such as candles, due to their potent insect-repelling properties.

Exploring Alternative Options

If you’re looking for a natural mosquito repellent that is easy to use, consider lemon balm. This herbaceous perennial contains up to 38% citronellal, making it a powerful insect deterrent. You can easily grow lemon balm in your backyard and use it to make your own mosquito-repelling spray.

Alternatively, you can purchase a spray containing citronella or DEET, the most effective mosquito repellent chemical. Regular application of these sprays, along with eliminating standing water in your yard, can help you keep mosquitoes at bay.

Practical Tips for Mosquito Control

While mosquito-repelling plants are a popular choice for many gardeners, they are not a foolproof solution for keeping mosquitoes away. To effectively control mosquitoes in your yard, consider the following tips:

  • Use a spray containing DEET or citronella for maximum protection.
  • Eliminate standing water to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
  • Attract natural predators, such as purple martins, to help control mosquito populations.

By following these practical tips, you can enjoy a mosquito-free summer without relying solely on plants that may not be as effective as advertised.


In conclusion, while plants that repel mosquitoes do contain insect-repelling compounds, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution for mosquito control. To effectively keep mosquitoes away from your yard, it is essential to use a combination of preventive measures, such as using mosquito-repelling sprays and eliminating breeding grounds.

Remember, the key to successful mosquito control is to find a balance between natural solutions and chemical repellents. By taking proactive steps to keep mosquitoes at bay, you can enjoy your outdoor space without the annoyance of these pesky insects.

What are your favorite ways to repel mosquitoes from your yard? Share your tips in the comments below!

And for more information on managing common garden pests, be sure to check out our related articles:

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  • Doing Battle with Japanese Beetles: Tips for Banning Them from Your Garden
  • 23 Beneficial Insects and Other Creepy Crawlies That Your Garden Will Love

Join the conversation by sharing your mosquito-repelling strategies and stay tuned for more tips and tricks on creating a pest-free garden.


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