The Ultimate Parlor Palm Houseplant Care Guide

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Are you considering adding a touch of lush greenery to your home with a parlor palm houseplant? Look no further! These timeless plants are not just beautiful additions to your living space, but they are also incredibly easy to care for. Let’s dive into everything you need to know about growing and maintaining these small trees indoors.

What Are Parlor Palms?

The parlor palm, scientifically known as Chamaedorea elegans, is a delightful understory tree that hails from tropical and subtropical rainforests in Central America. Recognizable by its feather-like fronds that grow from a single trunk, the parlor palm adds a touch of elegance and tropical charm to any room.

If you’re wondering how to identify this species among other indoor palms, look for its medium green leaves that are pinnately compound with smooth lance-shaped leaflets. In addition to its unique appearance, the parlor palm is known for its upright growth habit and slow growth rate, making it an ideal companion for those seeking a low-maintenance houseplant.

Cultivation and History

The parlor palm has a rich history dating back to the Victorian era when it was a popular choice for decorating living rooms. Also known by various names like “dwarf palm” and “good luck palm,” this species has become a staple in indoor plant collections worldwide.

In its native habitat, the parlor palm is harvested for its cut fronds, known as xate, which are used in floral arrangements and religious ceremonies. While it thrives indoors, this versatile plant can also be grown in outdoor landscapes in USDA Hardiness Zones 10b to 11.


When it comes to growing new parlor palm specimens, propagation from seed is the way to go. Unlike other plants, this species cannot be propagated through cuttings or division. Nurseries typically grow these tropical trees from seeds, making it a straightforward process for home gardeners to follow suit.

For those looking to try their hand at growing parlor palms from seed, a step-by-step guide can help you get started on this rewarding journey.

How to Grow Parlor Palms

While parlor palms are known for their easygoing nature, there are a few key tips to ensure your houseplant thrives:

Choosing a Specimen

Select a healthy plant free from yellow or brown leaves, with a pot that has adequate drainage. Inspect for signs of pests and disease before bringing it home.


Provide your parlor palm with indirect, medium light, avoiding direct sunlight to prevent leaf scorch. During the summer, consider placing it in shaded areas to protect it from intense sunlight.


Maintain a temperature range between 60 and 85°F for optimal growth. This species can tolerate cooler conditions down to 50°F, making it suitable for various indoor environments.


During warmer months, water your parlor palm weekly, ensuring the soil remains moist. In winter, allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering.


This tropical species prefers higher humidity levels, making regular misting and grouping with other houseplants effective methods to increase humidity. These practices are especially beneficial during dry winter months.

Growing Tips

To summarize, provide your parlor palm with medium indirect light, maintain moist but well-draining soil, and avoid overwatering to keep your plant thriving.

Pruning and Maintenance

Keeping your parlor palm in top condition is simple with these maintenance tips:


Periodically trim brown or wilted leaves to maintain the plant’s appearance. Sterilize pruning tools before use and avoid unnecessary pruning beyond removing spent leaves.


Repot your parlor palm every two to three years when rootbound. During repotting, use a well-draining cactus, succulent, and palm potting mix to provide optimal growing conditions.


Select a fertilizer rich in micronutrients, such as magnesium, designed for palm trees. Apply fertilizer every two months during the growing season following manufacturer instructions.

Cleaning Leaves

Regularly wipe down leaves with water to remove dust build-up. Avoid using specialized leaf-cleaning products that may harm your plant and prefer natural methods like spritzing and wiping with a clean cloth.

Where to Buy

When shopping for parlor palms, consider the size that suits your space:

  • Small: Ideal for workstations or shelves, look for specimens in four-inch pots.
  • Medium: Create impact in side tables or entryways with plants in six- or seven-inch pots.
  • Large: Floor-standing specimens in eight-inch pots or larger make a statement in any room.

Managing Pests and Disease

While parlor palms are generally resilient, occasional pests and diseases can pose a threat. Keep an eye out for common issues like mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites, and diseases like damping off, leaf spot, and root rot. Regular inspection and proactive measures can help protect your plant from these challenges.

Best Uses for Parlor Palms

Whether as an ornament in living rooms, offices, or public spaces, parlor palms add a touch of elegance and freshness to any setting. Non-toxic and air-purifying, these plants are safe for households with pets and children and can help improve indoor air quality.

When grown outdoors in suitable climates, parlor palms thrive in shady conditions and provide a tropical touch to landscaping. Their versatility and ease of care make them a popular choice for both beginner and experienced gardeners.

Have No Qualms, You Can Grow These Palms With Confidence

With the comprehensive care guide provided above, growing and caring for parlor palms has never been easier. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting on your green thumb journey, these graceful houseplants offer beauty, versatility, and low-maintenance upkeep.

Are you ready to bring the tropical charm of parlor palms into your home? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below! And for more plant care insights, don’t forget to explore our other indoor palm tree guides for added inspiration and knowledge. Happy planting!

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