A Comprehensive Guide on How to Successfully Grow Parsnips From Seed

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If you are looking to grow one of the most versatile and delicious root vegetables out there, then parsnips are the perfect choice for your garden. With their unique flavor and long taproots, parsnips practically beg to be started from seed. While some gardeners may find them fussy, with a few tricks and tips, you can reliably grow parsnips from seed with high success rates.

An Introduction to Parsnips

Parsnips are cold weather-loving root vegetables that belong to the same family as carrots and parsley. While they may look like white carrots, their flavor is entirely different, with a sweet, earthy, and nutty taste. These veggies grow readily from seed and thrive in chilly weather conditions when other plants are dormant.

Sourcing Fresh Seeds

One crucial tip for growing parsnips from seed is to start with fresh seeds. Parsnip seeds do not germinate well after a year in storage, so make sure to buy seeds from a reputable source that lists the harvest and expiration date on the package. Trusted retailers like Burpee and Eden Brothers offer a variety of cultivars such as ‘Hollow Crown’ and ‘Harris Model’ that are known for their reliability.

How to Start Indoors

If you have a limited growing window or challenging weather conditions, it’s a good idea to start parsnips indoors. Use compostable pots filled with a seed starting mix, soak the seeds in water for 24 hours, and plant two seeds per pot. Keep the soil moist, provide adequate sunlight, and be patient as parsnip seeds can be slow to germinate. Once the seedlings have sprouted, gradually introduce them to outdoor conditions before transplanting them into the soil.

How to Start Outdoors

For a straightforward approach, you can sow parsnip seeds directly into a prepared garden bed outdoors. Choose well-draining, loose, and nutrient-rich soil with sandy texture, and ensure proper drainage by amending the soil with sand and compost. Plant seeds half an inch deep in full sun when the soil temperature is above 40°F, and maintain consistent watering to avoid root issues. Thinning out seedlings may be necessary to promote healthy growth.

Care Tips for Growing Parsnips

To nurture healthy parsnip plants, incorporate compost every three weeks, use a balanced fertilizer, and ensure proper watering to prevent issues like hairy roots or stunted growth. Mulching can help retain moisture and suppress weeds, while covering crowns with mulch in winter protects the roots. Harvesting should be done carefully to avoid bruising the roots, and if left in the ground over winter, roots should be harvested before new growth emerges in the spring.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

To maximize germination success, use fresh seeds, maintain optimal temperatures, and keep the soil consistently moist. Patience is key when waiting for parsnip seeds to sprout, as they can take up to a month to germinate. By following these guidelines and being attentive to your plants’ needs, you can overcome common challenges and grow healthy parsnips from seed.


Growing parsnips from seed is a rewarding experience that offers a versatile and delicious addition to your garden. With the right knowledge and techniques, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of these unique root vegetables. Whether starting indoors or outdoors, caring for your plants, or troubleshooting issues, this comprehensive guide provides valuable insights to help you successfully grow parsnips from seed.

If you have any favorite parsnip recipes or additional tips to share, feel free to drop them in the comments below. Happy gardening!

For more information on parsnips and related topics, check out the following resources:

  • Planting Parsnips: One Taste and You’ll Want to Grow Your Own
  • Health Benefits of Parsnips
  • Can You Regrow Parsnips from Kitchen Scraps?

Remember, mastering the art of growing parsnips from seed takes time and practice, but the results are well worth the effort. Happy growing!

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