Uncovering the Delight of Citrus Basil: A Guide to Growing and Using These Zesty Herbs

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Are you constantly seeking ways to simplify your kitchen routine? Look no further than your very own garden for a solution.

Enter the world of citrus basils, a group of herbs that offer a unique twist on the classic basil flavor by infusing it with a zesty citrus kick.

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These herbs open up a world of culinary possibilities, from adding a fresh twist to sorbets to enhancing the flavor of a lemony orzo salad. But the benefits of growing these varieties extend beyond the realm of cooking.

Each variety boasts aromatic and edible flowers that release a citrusy scent, attracting pollinators and delighting anyone who happens to catch a whiff on a sunny summer day.

Even if you never get around to using them in your cooking, simply crushing a leaf or bloom between your fingers to release the heady lemon or lime perfume can be a joy in itself.

Surprisingly, all the citrus basil varieties we’re about to explore are relatively easy to grow, whether in a raised bed, container, or even indoors on a sunny windowsill.

They thrive in full sun and well-draining soil rich in organic matter, making them suitable for a range of growing conditions.

Let’s delve into the intriguing world of citrus basil and discover seven of the best varieties that you can add to your herb garden!

Citrus Basil Varieties You Need to Know About

1. Blue Spice

  • A distinctive basil variety with an upright growth habit and deep blue blooms, ‘Blue Spice’ boasts velvety leaves with a spicy anise base and hints of vanilla and lemon.
  • Its versatility extends from adding flavor to fruit sorbets and marinades to serving as a fragrant addition to bouquets and arrangements.
  • Notable for its resistance to downy mildew, ‘Blue Spice’ is a compact plant ideal for containers and window boxes.

The delightful fragrance of ‘Blue Spice’ might just earn it the nickname “Banish the Blues Spice basil” in your garden!

Seeds are available from Eden Brothers for this enticing basil variety.

2. Lemon

  • Known for its light green stems and smaller, pointed leaves, lemon basil adds a delightful lemon flavor to a variety of dishes.
  • Popular in Indonesian cuisine, lemon basil’s high citral content gives it a vibrant, lemony aroma that can enhance everything from grilled fish to confections.
  • You can also infuse its essential oils into soaps, lotions, and lip balms for a fragrant touch of lemon goodness.

High Mowing Organics offers open-pollinated seeds for those looking to cultivate this citrusy herb.

3. Lime

  • Zesty yet subtly flavored, lime basil features a compact growth habit and emits a pleasant lime scent from its stems, leaves, and delicate flowers.
  • While you can simply enjoy its aroma, lime basil offers a range of culinary possibilities, from enhancing cookies and sorbets to spicing up sauces and salsas.
  • Adjust the proportions carefully when cooking with lime basil, as its flavor is stronger than most sweet varieties.

Burpee and Eden Brothers provide seeds for those eager to grow their very own lime basil plants.

4. Limoncello

  • A unique addition to the citrus basil lineup, ‘Limoncello’ offers a refreshing citrus flavor reminiscent of the popular Italian liqueur of the same name.
  • This variety matures quickly, featuring bright green, heart-shaped leaves that are perfect for garnishing desserts or enhancing fruit salads.
  • ‘Limoncello’ can be a versatile ingredient in cocktails, desserts, and a variety of dishes, bringing a citrusy twist to your culinary creations.

Burpee offers ‘Limoncello’ seeds in convenient 50-seed packets for your growing adventures.

5. Mrs. Burns’ Lemon

  • Combining the traditional anise flavor of sweet basils with a sweet lemon essence, ‘Mrs. Burns’ Lemon’ offers a citrusy twist to your culinary repertoire.
  • Ideal for flavoring salads, dressings, and sauces, this cultivar shines as a fresh garnish or as an ingredient in herb butter to elevate various dishes.
  • With a mature height of 20 to 24 inches, ‘Mrs. Burns’ Lemon’ produces bountiful harvests with seeds that grow true to the parent plant’s characteristics.

Park Seed via Amazon offers ‘Mrs. Burns’ Lemon’ in 100-seed packets for those keen on growing this tangy basil variety.

6. Pesto Perpetuo

  • True to its name, ‘Pesto Perpetuo’ offers a continuous supply of pesto ingredients with its non-flowering growth habit that preserves the leaves’ flavor.
  • This shrubby variegated plant features white-edged leaves and a compact growth habit, making it a striking addition to any herb garden.
  • Harvest the foliage for pesto, sauces, and garnishes without worrying about losing the leaves’ flavorful intensity.

You can find ‘Pesto Perpetuo’ as part of a “mix and match” set of three live plants from Burpee to kickstart your pesto-making journey.

7. Sweet Dani

  • With elevated citral levels, ‘Sweet Dani’ brings a burst of lemon flavor to various dishes, from cookies and sorbets to grilling marinades and stir-fries.
  • An ideal size for containers, this cultivar attracts bees and other pollinators with its small white flowers, making it a welcome addition to a pollinator garden.
  • Fresh or dried, ‘Sweet Dani’ offers a lemony touch to desserts, homemade soaps, and potpourri, enhancing both culinary and aromatic creations.

True Leaf Market provides ‘Sweet Dani’ seeds in 100-, 1,000-, and 5,000-seed packets for those eager to cultivate this lemony basil variety.

The Sweet-Tarts of the Herb Garden

Each of these citrus basil varieties adds a unique twist to your herb garden, whether through culinary creations or delightful fragrances.

Remember, basil is not just a valuable culinary herb but also a pollinator magnet and a valuable addition to your compost pile at the end of the season.

Do you have any citrus basil stories, feedback, or questions to share? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below!

And if you’re curious about growing and caring for basil in general, be sure to check out our guides on how to grow basil in your herb garden, plant and grow Genovese basil, and grow Thai basil in your herb garden.

Let the zesty allure of citrus basils transform your herb garden into a fragrant and flavorful oasis!

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