The Ultimate Guide to 31 of the Best Marigold Varieties

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Are you looking to add some sunshine and beauty to your garden with marigolds? Well, you’re in luck! Marigolds come in a vast array of bloom types, colors, and sizes, making it challenging to select the perfect variety for your garden. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 31 of the best marigold varieties to help you make an informed decision. From compact French marigolds to towering African marigolds, there’s a marigold for every gardener’s taste and preference.

Choosing the Right Marigold for Your Garden

Before we dive into the list of marigold varieties, let’s consider some factors to keep in mind when selecting the right marigold for your garden:

  • Bloom Type: Marigolds come in single and double bloom types. Single blooms are easier for pollinators to access, while double blooms are more visually striking.
  • Height: Consider the height of the marigold variety to ensure it fits well in your garden landscape.
  • Coloration: Choose marigold varieties that complement the color scheme of your garden.
  • Pollinator-Friendly: Opt for marigold varieties that attract pollinators to promote a healthy garden ecosystem.
  • Culinary and Medicinal Use: Some marigold varieties, like Mexican tarragon, have culinary and medicinal benefits. Consider these options for a multi-functional garden.

Now, let’s explore 31 of the best marigold varieties to add a pop of color and vibrancy to your garden.

1. Bambino

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Single blooms with yellow and orange striped petals
Height: Compact, 10 inches tall
Ideal For: Front row of flower beds, attracting pollinators

2. Bolero

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Ruffled, double blooms with gold petals
Height: Petite, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Planting among lettuce crops for visual impact

3. Brocade

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Ruffled flowers in shades of gold, orange, and deep red
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Carpeting flower beds with rich, fiery colors

4. Colossus Red Gold

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Bicolor blooms with deep burgundy petals gilded with gold
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Mass planting in borders for a colossal impact

5. Court Jester

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Gold and dark red striped petals
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Interplanting with low-growing crops for visual interest

6. Crackerjack

Type: African Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
Features: Big and showy yellow or orange double blooms
Height: Tall, 2-3 feet tall
Ideal For: Background planting for a striking garden display

7. Daisy Wheel Lemon

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Frilly-edged pale yellow petals
Height: Compact, 10 inches tall
Ideal For: Container gardening for a daisy-like appearance

8. Fiesta

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Ruffled blooms in orange and red hues
Height: Small, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Adding excitement and vibrancy to flower beds

9. Golden Guardian

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Monochromatic golden petals with golden centers
Height: Bushy, 2 feet tall
Ideal For: Repelling root-knot nematodes and enhancing tomato crops

10. Harmony

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Mottled petals in orange and red hues
Height: Petite, 8 inches tall
Ideal For: Front row planting with purple salvia companions

11. Hawaii

Type: African Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
Features: Giant orange double blooms resembling tropical elements
Height: Tall, 3 feet tall
Ideal For: Interplanting between tomatoes and peppers for a tropical garden vibe

12. Ildkongen

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Fiery mix of oranges and reds
Height: Tall, 4 feet tall
Ideal For: Excellent choice for pollinators and towering garden displays

13. Kilimanjaro White

Type: African Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
Features: Creamy white double blooms
Height: Medium, 18 inches tall
Ideal For: Pairing with blue-hued companions for a striking contrast

14. Legion of Honor

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Bicolored flowers with burgundy edges
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Companion planting with cauliflower for a stunning garden display

15. Lemon and Tangerine Gems

Type: Signet Marigold (Tagetes tenuifolia)
Features: Small single flowers in shades of yellow, red, or orange
Height: Compact, 8-12 inches tall
Ideal For: Edible marigold selections with jewel-like charm

16. Lemon Drop

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Bright double blooms in yellow hues
Height: Petite, 6-12 inches tall
Ideal For: Sweetening garden paths or child’s play gardens

17. Mandarin

Type: African Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
Features: Globe-shaped double blooms in orange shades
Height: Medium, 20 inches tall
Ideal For: Pairing with purple or white sweet alyssum for visual impact

18. Mary Helen

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
Features: Double yellow flowers with a puff-ball shape
Height: Tall, 36 inches tall
Ideal For: Pairing with purple asters for a stunning garden display

19. Mexican Tarragon

Type: Mexican Mint Marigold (Tagetes lucida)
Features: Small single flowers with fragrant foliage
Height: Bushy, 2-3 feet tall
Ideal For: Edible herb garden with culinary and medicinal benefits

20. Moonlight

Type: African Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
Features: Big yellow double blooms with a flat appearance
Height: Small, 14 inches tall
Ideal For: Cut flower garden with large blossoms

21. Naughty Marietta

Type: French Marigold (Tagetes patula)
Features: Gold and maroon bicolor flowers
Height: Compact, 8-12 inches tall
Ideal For: Easy access for pollinators and striking garden displays

22. Nosento Limegreen

Type: African Marigold
Features: Lemon-lime to pale yellow flowers with no scent
Height: Medium, 24-32 inches tall
Ideal For: Green flower beds and visual interest

23. Orange Flame

Type: French Marigold
Features: Bicolor red and orange flower heads resembling flames
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Cozy garden displays with a fiery touch

24. Phyllis

Type: African Marigold
Features: Narrow, yellow petals in chrysanthemum-like blooms
Height: Tall, 2 feet tall
Ideal For: Companion planting with blue asters for a unique garden display

25. Queen Sophia

Type: French Marigold
Features: Bronze-gold flowers with gold edges
Height: Compact, 10-12 inches tall
Ideal For: Planting among flowering ground cover for a regal garden display

26. Red Cherry

Type: French Marigold
Features: Mahogany-colored petals with golden centers
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Pairing with coreopsis for a vibrant garden color scheme

27. Red Metamorph

Type: French Marigold
Features: Ruby-colored flowers with transformative orange splashes
Height: Tall, 24-36 inches tall
Ideal For: Pairing with orange zinnias for a colorful garden palette

28. Spun Orange

Type: African Marigold
Features: Mum-like petals with delicate orange hues
Height: Medium, 20 inches tall
Ideal For: Cottage garden displays with cosmos and hollyhocks

29. Strawberry Blonde

Type: French Marigold
Features: Pastel pink, rose, and yellow double flowers
Height: Petite, 8-10 inches tall
Ideal For: Antique garden displays with strawflower and cosmos

30. Tangerine

Type: French Marigold
Features: Bright orange double flowers with open petals
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Pairing with summer snapdragons for a visually appealing combination

31. Tiger Eyes

Type: French Marigold
Features: Orange centers surrounded by deep red petals
Height: Compact, 12 inches tall
Ideal For: Striking garden displays with vibrant colors


With 31 marigold varieties to choose from, the possibilities are endless for adding color and vibrancy to your garden. Whether you prefer compact French marigolds or towering African marigolds, there’s a variety to suit every gardener’s taste and preference. Consider the bloom type, height, coloration, and pollinator-friendliness of each variety to select the perfect marigold for your garden. Which marigold variety is your favorite? Are you ready to expand your garden with a few new cultivars? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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