How to Divide a Bird of Paradise Plant Like a Pro

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Bird of paradise plants are a stunning addition to any garden, but did you know that you can easily propagate them by division? Not only does it give you more plants for free, but it also helps control the size and rejuvenate the health of your existing plant. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about dividing a bird of paradise plant, from why you should do it to step-by-step instructions on how to divide it successfully.

What You’ll Learn

Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide:

  • Why Divide a Bird of Paradise Plant?
  • Increase Number of Plants
  • Control Plant Size
  • Rejuvenate Health and Vigor
  • What You’ll Need
  • When to Divide a Bird of Paradise Plant
  • How to Divide a Bird of Paradise Plant
  • Tips for Dividing Potted Plants

Now, let’s dive into the world of bird of paradise plant propagation!

Why Divide a Bird of Paradise Plant?

Increase Number of Plants

Have you ever looked at your bird of paradise plant and thought it would be nice to have more of them without breaking the bank? Dividing your plant into smaller sections is the answer! By dividing a large bird of paradise plant, you can create multiple thriving plants for the cost of none. Keep dividing mature plants regularly, and in a few years, you’ll have an abundance of bird of paradise plants in your garden.

Control Plant Size

If your bird of paradise plant has grown too large for its current spot, dividing it is a great way to downsize while also maintaining a healthy balance between the roots and shoots. Rather than giving it a temporary buzz cut, dividing the plant into smaller daughter plants helps it grow back in a more controlled manner.

Rejuvenate Health and Vigor

Dividing a crowded bird of paradise plant can improve its overall health by allowing better airflow between leaves, reduced competition for resources, and increased access to nutrients, water, and sunlight. The stress of division also stimulates renewed growth, similar to pruning.

What You’ll Need

Before you start dividing your bird of paradise plant, make sure you have the following tools on hand:

A Digging Tool

Choose from shovels, spades, or garden forks depending on your preference and the size of your plant. You may need a combination of tools for different parts of the process.

A Watering Can or Hose with Spray Nozzle

Prepare the plant by watering it deeply a day before division. A watering can or hose with a spray nozzle will come in handy for this task.

Soil Knife

For severing the rhizomatous root system during the division process, a soil knife is essential to ensure clean cuts.


Keep your workspace organized by using a tarp to hold the divided sections and prevent soil spillage.

When to Divide a Bird of Paradise Plant

Late spring or summer is the ideal time for dividing a bird of paradise plant, as it allows the plant enough time to grow strong roots and shoots before winter arrives. Always choose healthy and well-established plants for division to ensure successful propagation.

How to Divide a Bird of Paradise Plant


Start by digging holes for the daughter plants and preparing the planting areas. Deeply water the plant a day in advance to make it easier to lift out of the ground. Sterilize your tools before beginning the division process.


Use a digging tool to carefully excavate the plant, leaving space between the crown and the perimeter line to protect the rhizomes. Work slowly to avoid damaging the roots and shoots.


Gently tease the clumps apart, dividing the plant into single-shoot units. Use a soil knife to separate the rhizomes, keeping as much healthy tissue intact as possible.

Transplanting and Reestablishment

Plant the divisions in prepared holes, backfill with soil, and keep the soil moist until the plants are reestablished. Fertilize every three months with organic material to promote vibrant blooms.

Tips for Dividing Potted Plants

For potted bird of paradise plants, follow these additional tips:

  • Choose pots with good drainage.
  • Fill the new containers with a suitable potting mix.
  • Divide the plant when the roots start to emerge from the container.
  • Loosen the plant by running a knife around the inner rim of the pot and wiggling it gently.

By following these steps, you can successfully divide a bird of paradise plant and propagate it with ease. Get creative with your new plant arrangements and enjoy the beauty of these stunning plants in your garden!

Now, armed with the knowledge of how to divide a bird of paradise plant, you can confidently propagate your plants and enjoy the beauty of these tropical wonders in your garden. Feel free to share your experiences, questions, or thoughts in the comments section below. Happy gardening!

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