A Guide to Eating Snapdragons: Harvesting and Using Flowers and Leaves

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Snapdragons are not just a beautiful addition to your garden; they can also be a delightful addition to your plate. If you’ve ever had the urge to munch on one of these lovely blossoms, you’re not alone. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about harvesting and using snapdragons in your culinary adventures.

What You’ll Learn

  • All About Snapdragon Blossoms
  • Which Parts Are Edible?
  • Cultivars to Select
  • Harvesting
  • How to Use

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, growing your own snapdragons, picking up a pack from the store, or harvesting them from the wild can provide you with a unique culinary experience. Let’s dive in and explore the world of edible snapdragons.

All About Snapdragon Blossoms

Snapdragons are known for their vibrant and asymmetrical blossoms that come in a variety of colors. These self-fertile plants bloom from June to September, with each flower lasting about 10 days. By cutting the stalks, you can encourage new blooms to form, providing you with a continuous supply of flowers throughout the summer and into the fall.

While the entire plant is edible, the focus of this guide will be on the blossoms, as they offer the best flavor. When selecting snapdragon plants, consider choosing double-flowered varieties for a more delicate petal, fruity scent, and sweeter flavor.

Which Parts Are Edible?

While the flowers are the most commonly eaten part of the plant, the seeds and leaves can also be consumed. However, the seeds are not very flavorful, and the leaves have a bitter taste that may not appeal to everyone. If you enjoy bitter flavors, snapdragon leaves can be a unique addition to your dishes.

When it comes to selecting cultivars, varieties like ‘Madame Butterfly,’ ‘Appleblossom,’ and ‘Chantilly’ offer tasty options with different colors and growth habits. Be sure to explore a variety of cultivars to find the flavors and colors that appeal to you.


Harvesting snapdragon flowers can be a fun and interactive process. Mimic the voice of a dragon as you gently squeeze the sides of the flower and let your imagination run wild. Remember to avoid flowers from plants that are diseased or treated with chemicals. By cutting the stems at the base and placing them in water, you can enjoy fresh blooms for a longer period.

The leaves can be harvested as needed by snipping them from the plant. Whether you’re using the flowers or leaves in your recipes, make sure to wash them thoroughly before consumption.

How to Use

If you prefer sweeter flavors, try sugaring the flowers or using them in desserts. For those who enjoy bitter flavors, snapdragon petals and leaves can be chopped and added to various dishes such as salads, soups, or pickles. Experiment with different preparations to find the flavors that suit your palate.

Snapdragon flowers can also be used as a garnish to add color to your dishes and drinks. Whether you’re incorporating them into a recipe or using them for decoration, snapdragons offer a unique culinary experience.

Snap Your Teeth into Some Snapdragons

Don’t be afraid to explore new flavors and try different culinary creations. With a variety of cultivars and preparation methods, snapdragons can add a distinct taste and visual appeal to your dishes. Share your experiences with us in the comments and let us know which cultivar you tried and how it tasted.

If you want to learn more about growing snapdragon flowers, check out our related guides on growing snapdragons from seed, propagating them from cuttings, and growing them in containers. Experiment with different varieties and preparation methods to discover the full potential of these delightful blossoms.

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