Everything You Need to Know About Geranium Lifespans

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Geraniums are like a breath of fresh air in any garden or patio. They are bright, cheerful, and relatively easy to care for. But did you know that geraniums are actually perennials, not annuals like many gardeners believe? This means you can enjoy them year after year without having to throw them out at the end of the season.

In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of geraniums and explore their lifespan, care tips, and what to do when they stop blooming. So grab your gardening gloves and let’s get started!

What You’ll Learn

  • How Long Can Geraniums Live?
  • Overwintering
  • Pruning for a Second Flush
  • Taking Cuttings
  • Pruning for Winter
  • Disposal

How Long Can Geraniums Live?

Originating from sub-tropical Africa, geraniums thrive in warm climates and can live for several years. While most gardeners treat them as annuals due to their sensitivity to cold temperatures, they can actually thrive as perennials in USDA Hardiness Zones 10 to 12. However, geraniums do not have an indefinite lifespan. After two to three years, they may become woody, leggy, and produce fewer flowers. Despite this, with proper care and maintenance, geraniums can continue to bloom for many more years.


For those living outside Zones 10 to 12, overwintering geraniums is a great way to ensure their survival through the colder months. By keeping the plant in a state of dormancy, you can avoid buying new plants each spring and enjoy larger, more established geraniums. While the plant may not be as lush as in its first year, with some additional care, it can continue to thrive for years to come.

Pruning for a Second Flush

If your geraniums have stopped blooming and it’s still early in the growing season, a simple pruning can encourage a second round of flowers. By cutting back each stem by about a quarter, you can stimulate new growth and enjoy a prolonged blooming period. For long-lasting, robust blossoms, remember to deadhead the flowers as soon as they begin to fade.

Taking Cuttings

As geraniums age, they may become woody and less vibrant than they once were. One way to rejuvenate them is by taking cuttings and propagating new plants. This allows you to preserve the characteristics of the original plant while starting fresh with a more compact, vigorous specimen. Taking cuttings not only revitalizes the plant but also ensures a continuous display of beautiful blooms.

Pruning for Winter

In warmer climates, geraniums may stop flowering in the fall before resuming their show in the following year. To promote bushy growth and ensure a bountiful display of flowers, prune the plant back by about a third after it finishes blooming. By maintaining regular pruning practices, you can help your geraniums stay healthy and vibrant year after year.


If you prefer a fresh start or don’t want to go through the trouble of overwintering or taking cuttings, disposing of your geraniums is always an option. By pulling up the plants, removing excess soil, and properly disposing of them in the compost or garbage, you can clean up your garden and prepare for a new season of growth. Additionally, cleaning up fallen debris helps prevent the spread of disease, ensuring a healthier garden environment.

Your Geranium Still Has a Lot of Life in It

Despite being commonly treated as annuals, geraniums have the potential to thrive for many years with the right care and attention. By understanding their lifecycle, implementing proper pruning techniques, and exploring creative solutions like taking cuttings, you can extend the lifespan of your geraniums and enjoy their beauty for years to come. By choosing sustainable practices like overwintering and propagation, you not only save money but also reduce waste and preserve valuable resources.

What do you plan on doing with your geraniums? Are you considering overwintering, pruning for next year, or trying your hand at propagation? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

If you’re a fan of pelargoniums and want to learn more about these delightful flowers and their varieties, check out our guides on How to Grow and Care for Garden Geraniums, How to Plant and Grow Scented Geraniums, and 15 of the Best Scented Geranium Varieties.

Remember, with a little care and creativity, your geraniums can continue to brighten your garden for years to come. Happy gardening!

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