Growing Avocado Seeds: A Fun Project to Do with the Kids

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Looking for a fun, educational project to do with the kids? Why not try growing avocado seeds? Avocados are not only a delicious and versatile fruit, but they also provide a great opportunity for children to learn about science, gardening, and the life cycle of plants. In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of growing avocado seeds, from choosing the right avocado to transplanting your seedling into a permanent container or into your yard.

The Beauty of Avocados

Avocados are often referred to as “alligator pears” due to their odd shape and texture. These fruits are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients and can be used in a variety of dishes. They are a great source of healthy fats and make a wonderful addition to any meal.

Growing avocados from seeds can be a fun and educational project for children, especially during the summer months or as part of a homeschool curriculum. It’s an opportunity for kids to watch the plant life cycle in action and witness their little seed grow into a beautiful tree.

Supply List

Before you begin, make sure you have the following items on hand:

  • A store-bought ripe avocado
  • Three toothpicks per avocado
  • One jar or glass per avocado, or a seed starting dish
  • A sharp knife
  • A spoon
  • A kitchen towel or paper towel

Choosing a Ripe Avocado

To get started, you’ll need to choose a ripe avocado for optimum seed sprouting potential. Look for a deep green to nearly black “Hass” avocado in the grocery store. The fruit should yield slightly when gently squeezed. Even overripe avocados can be used for this project, so don’t throw them away!

Once you have the ripe avocado, carefully cut it open, remove the seed, and wash it gently to remove any remaining flesh.


Now, it’s time to start the propagation process. Prepare the seed by removing a small sliver from the bottom to expose the interior. Use toothpicks to suspend the seed in a jar or glass of water, making sure the bottom is submerged but not fully.

Place the container in a warm, sunny spot with indirect sunlight and monitor the water level to keep the seed in contact with water at all times. With a little patience, your seed should sprout within 1-6 weeks.

As the sprout grows and the root develops, change the water every 2-3 days to keep it fresh. Once the root and sprout have reached a few inches in length, it’s time to transplant your seedling.

Transplant Seedlings

When the roots of your seedling reach 2-3 inches in length, it’s time to transplant it into a permanent container or into your yard. If you choose to grow your avocado indoors, make sure to use a pot that is deep, well-draining, and made of sturdy material.

For outdoor planting, choose a sunny spot with good soil drainage and ample space for the tree to grow tall. Be sure to involve the kids in the planting process, from digging the hole to watering the seedling.

Growing Tips

Here are some essential tips to keep your avocado tree healthy and thriving:

  • Don’t expect a tree grown from seed to bear fruit
  • If a prepared seed doesn’t sprout within about six weeks, start over with a new one
  • Give your seedling a warm spot with indirect sunlight while indoors
  • Provide your tree with at least 8 hours of direct sunlight every day when transplanted
  • Allow soil to dry out between watering deeply
  • Avoid letting your tree sit in waterlogged soil

Zap Boredom and Give Kids a Fun Science Project

Growing avocado seeds can be a rewarding and educational experience for both kids and adults. It’s a great way to teach children about plant growth cycles and the importance of caring for our environment. Plus, who can resist the delicious reward of homemade guacamole at the end?

If you’re looking for more gardening projects for children, consider regrowing lettuce from scraps, starting a vegetable garden, or exploring gardening-themed books for kids. The possibilities are endless when it comes to engaging children in fun and educational activities in the garden.

So next time you enjoy an avocado, save those seeds and embark on a journey of growth and discovery with your little ones. Happy planting!

I hope you found this article informative and engaging. It’s never too early to get kids started on a wonderful journey of exploring the natural world around them. Let me know in the comments if you have any other gardening projects you’d recommend for children. And for more fun and educational garden activities, don’t forget to check out our other gardening guides!

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