Everything You Need to Know About Planting and Growing Egyptian Walking Onions

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Twelve years ago, I was introduced to Egyptian walking onions by a kind man named Terry. These intriguing plants quickly caught my attention with their unique ability to propagate and spread on their own, giving them the nickname of walking onions. Today, I want to share with you all the valuable information I’ve learned about planting and growing Egyptian walking onions.

What Are Egyptian Walking Onions?

Egyptian walking onions, also known as Allium x proliferum, are a hybrid of a bulb type and the Welsh bunching onion. They are characterized by their ability to produce not only the traditional bulb we associate with onions but also miniature onions, called topsets, at the end of their long green stalks. These topsets are edible and offer a spicy onion flavor, making them a delightful addition to any garden.


  • From Topsets: Egyptian walking onions propagate themselves effortlessly by dropping their topsets to the ground, which then take root and grow into new plants. You can also collect these topsets and plant them wherever you desire, providing you with a continuous supply of new plants.
  • From Divisions: Like many perennial plants, Egyptian walking onions benefit from division every few years. By dividing the plants into larger sections and replanting them, you can multiply your harvest and expand your onion patch.

How to Grow

Egyptian walking onions are incredibly low-maintenance plants that thrive in well-drained soil and receive an inch of water each week. They enjoy sunny locations but can tolerate some light shade. To encourage healthy growth, give them space to spread and weed around them sparingly. Remember to harvest topsets regularly to prevent the onions from spreading beyond your desired area.

Growing Tips

  • Provide room for your plants to grow and divide them periodically for a bountiful harvest.
  • Fertilization and excessive care are unnecessary for Egyptian walking onions.
  • Remove bulblets promptly to control the spread of plants in your garden.

Where to Buy

Unlike other plants that offer numerous varieties to choose from, Egyptian walking onions are typically sold under a single name due to their uniform characteristics. You can find these unique onions available in packs of five from retailers such as Burpee.

Managing Pests and Disease

Egyptian walking onions are rarely bothered by pests and diseases, making them an easy addition to your garden. However, be mindful of common garden pests such as thrips and fungal issues, which can be managed through minimal intervention and natural remedies.


  • Stalks: Harvest the green stalks for a flavorful addition to your meals.
  • Bulblets: Snip off the bulblets when you’re ready to use them in cooking.
  • Bulbs: Dig up the underground bulbs in late summer or fall, similar to harvesting traditional onions.

Preserving and Storage

  • Cut stalks, bulblets, and bulbs can be stored in the fridge for a few days.
  • Mature bulbs can be cured for longer storage, frozen, dehydrated, or pickled for added flavor.

Recipes and Cooking Ideas

From garnishing meals with fresh greens to processing bulblets with a garlic press, there are endless ways to incorporate Egyptian walking onions into your culinary creations. Experiment with different cooking techniques and enjoy the unique flavor profile these onions offer.

Quick Reference Growing Guide

  • Plant Type: Bulb-forming vegetable
  • Native to: Asia
  • Hardiness (USDA Zone): 3-10
  • Exposure: Full sun to part sun
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Spread: 2 feet


In conclusion, Egyptian walking onions are an excellent addition to any garden, providing both ornamental interest and culinary versatility. With their unique ability to propagate and spread, these plants offer a fun and rewarding gardening experience. Have you tried growing Egyptian walking onions in your garden? Share your experience in the comments below and explore other onion varieties for your future planting endeavors. Have fun growing and walking with Egyptian walking onions!

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