Growing Heirloom ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomatoes: A Comprehensive Guide

‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomatoes

Are you looking to add a unique and flavorful tomato variety to your garden? Look no further than the heirloom ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomato! This beautiful, orange-yellow beefsteak tomato is not only visually striking but also boasts a delightfully sweet and tangy flavor that is sure to impress. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to successfully grow and enjoy these delicious tomatoes in your own backyard.

What are ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomatoes?

‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ is an heirloom tomato variety that originated in West Virginia. Named after its vibrant color reminiscent of the morning sun, this indeterminate tomato plant produces large, meaty fruits weighing up to 1-2 pounds each. The tomatoes have a thin skin and a juicy, tender flesh with few seeds, making them perfect for slicing, salads, and sandwiches.

These tomatoes are not only prized for their incredible flavor but also for their high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, making them a nutritious addition to any meal.

Starting Your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomato Plants

To begin your journey with ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes, you have two options: starting from seed or purchasing seedlings from a reputable nursery.

Starting from Seed

If you choose to start your plants from seed, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain high-quality ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomato seeds from a trusted source.
  2. Start your seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date in your area.
  3. Fill seed trays or pots with a well-draining seed starting mix and plant seeds 1/4 inch deep.
  4. Keep the soil moist but not soggy and maintain a temperature between 70-80°F (21-27°C) for optimal germination.
  5. Provide plenty of light once seedlings emerge, using grow lights if necessary.
  6. Gradually harden off your seedlings by exposing them to outdoor conditions for increasing periods each day before transplanting.

Purchasing Seedlings

If you prefer to skip the seed-starting process, you can purchase ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomato seedlings from a local nursery or online retailer. When selecting seedlings, look for plants that are sturdy, green, and free from any signs of disease or stress.

Planting Your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomatoes

Once your seedlings are ready or the risk of frost has passed, it’s time to plant your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes in the garden.

  1. Choose a sunny location that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  2. Prepare the planting area by removing weeds and amending the soil with compost or well-rotted manure.
  3. Space your plants 2-3 feet apart in rows 3-4 feet apart to allow for adequate growth and airflow.
  4. Dig holes deep enough to accommodate the root ball and a portion of the stem, as tomatoes can develop roots along the buried stem.
  5. Water your newly planted tomatoes deeply and regularly to help them establish a strong root system.

Supporting Your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomato Plants

As indeterminate growers, ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomato plants require support to keep fruits off the ground and maintain plant health.


Staking is a popular method for supporting tomato plants. Drive a sturdy stake or pole next to each plant at the time of planting, and tie the main stem loosely to the stake using soft twine or tomato clips as the plant grows.


Tomato cages provide a supportive structure for the plant to grow within. Place a cage around each plant at planting time, ensuring that the cage is tall and wide enough to accommodate the mature plant’s size.


Create a trellis system using posts, wire, and twine to support multiple tomato plants in a row. As the plants grow, weave the main stems through the trellis for support.

Whichever support method you choose, be sure to regularly prune your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomato plants by removing suckers (the shoots that grow between the main stem and leaf branches) to promote healthy growth and fruit production.

Caring for Your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomatoes

To ensure a bountiful harvest of delicious ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes, provide your plants with the following care:

  • Watering: Maintain consistent soil moisture, watering deeply and less frequently to encourage deep root growth. Avoid overhead watering, as wet foliage can lead to disease issues.
  • Fertilizing: Feed your tomato plants with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer or compost tea every 4-6 weeks to support healthy growth and fruit development.
  • Mulching: Apply a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch around the base of your plants to retain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and suppress weed growth.
  • Pest and Disease Management: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests (such as aphids or tomato hornworms) or diseases (like blight or fusarium wilt). Address issues promptly using integrated pest management techniques, such as handpicking pests, using row covers, or applying organic treatments as needed.

Harvesting Your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomatoes

‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes typically mature in 80-90 days after transplanting. To determine if a tomato is ripe and ready for harvest, consider the following:

  • Color: Ripe ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes will have a vibrant, deep orange-yellow color.
  • Feel: Gently squeeze the tomato; it should feel firm but slightly soft, with a slight give when pressed.
  • Taste: If in doubt, perform a taste test! A ripe tomato will have a sweet, juicy, and slightly tangy flavor.

To harvest, use pruning shears or sharp scissors to cut the tomato from the vine, leaving a small portion of the stem attached to the fruit. Handle your harvested tomatoes gently to avoid bruising.

Enjoying Your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ Tomatoes

Now that you’ve successfully grown and harvested your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes, it’s time to enjoy their incredible flavor! These versatile tomatoes are perfect for a wide range of culinary applications, such as:

  • Slicing for sandwiches or burgers
  • Chopping for salads or salsas
  • Grilling or roasting for a smoky, caramelized flavor
  • Blending into soups or sauces
  • Canning or preserving for year-round enjoyment

With their sweet, low-acid flavor and meaty texture, ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes are sure to become a favorite in your kitchen.

Saving Seeds for Future Seasons

As an heirloom variety, ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes are open-pollinated, meaning you can save seeds from your harvest to plant in future seasons. To save seeds:

  1. Select fully ripe, disease-free tomatoes from your healthiest plants.
  2. Scoop out the seeds and pulp into a jar, adding a small amount of water to cover.
  3. Allow the mixture to ferment at room temperature for 2-3 days, stirring daily.
  4. Once the seeds have settled to the bottom, pour off the liquid and rinse the seeds thoroughly.
  5. Spread the seeds on a paper towel or screen to dry completely, then store them in a cool, dry place in a labeled envelope until the next planting season.

By saving seeds from your ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes, you can continue to enjoy this delightful heirloom variety for years to come while preserving its unique genetic heritage.


Growing heirloom ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ tomatoes is a rewarding experience for any gardener looking to add a pop of color and flavor to their harvest. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to start, plant, support, care for, and harvest these delightful tomatoes in your own garden. As you savor the fruits of your labor, you’ll understand why ‘Kellogg’s Breakfast’ has become a beloved variety among tomato enthusiasts worldwide. Happy gardening, and bon appétit!

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