How to Plant and Grow Kohlrabi: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you ready to delve into the world of growing kohlrabi? Whether you’re a seasoned gardener looking to try something new or a novice exploring the possibilities of this quirky vegetable, you’re in for a treat. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to successfully plant and grow kohlrabi in your own garden.

What Is Kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi is a unique and intriguing vegetable that is sure to captivate your curiosity. With its bulbous mass that grows above ground, resembling a turnip with stems that look like antennae, kohlrabi stands out from the traditional globe-shaped root vegetables we are accustomed to. This cabbage relative boasts a crisp, sweet, slightly turnipy flavor that is both delicious raw and cooked.

Did you know that kohlrabi is part of the Brassica oleracea species, the same family as cabbage, collards, kale, and broccoli? Despite its unusual appearance, kohlrabi is a versatile and nutrient-rich vegetable that offers a range of culinary possibilities.

Cultivation and History

The history of kohlrabi dates back to about 500 years ago when it was first recorded in northern Europe by botanist Matthiolus. This quirky vegetable gained popularity in countries like Germany, where it is known as the “German turnip” due to its resemblance to a turnip. Today, Germany remains one of the largest producers and consumers of kohlrabi worldwide.

Kohlrabi Propagation

Kohlrabi is relatively easy to grow from seed, making it an excellent choice for beginner gardeners. You can start seeds indoors in late winter or early spring or directly sow them outdoors once the soil can be cultivated. With the right care and conditions, you’ll soon have healthy seedlings ready to transplant into your garden.

How to Grow Kohlrabi

To ensure successful growth, kohlrabi requires specific growing conditions. It thrives in full sun and cool weather, making it an ideal choice for spring and fall planting. Planting in rich, well-draining soil and providing adequate water and nutrients is crucial for healthy plant development.

Growing Tips

  • Plant seeds or transplant starts outdoors 2-4 weeks ahead of the average last frost date.
  • Plant in full sun and well-draining soil.
  • Mulch when the plants are a few inches high to suppress weeds and retain moisture.

Kohlrabi Cultivars to Select

There are numerous cultivars of kohlrabi to choose from, each with its unique characteristics and flavors. Some popular varieties include:

  • Early White Vienna: A spring or summer-planted cultivar with crisp, juicy flesh.
  • Konan: A hybrid variety that produces pale green bulbs ready in just 45 days.
  • Kossak: A large hybrid kohlrabi with sweet turnipy flavor, perfect for harvesting at a mature size of eight inches.
  • Purple Vienna: An early heirloom variety with pretty purple stems and bulbs.

Managing Pests and Disease

While kohlrabi is relatively pest and disease-resistant, you may encounter a few common issues such as aphids, cabbage loopers, flea beetles, and snails. By practicing good garden hygiene and monitoring your plants regularly, you can prevent and address these problems effectively.

Harvest and Storage

Knowing when and how to harvest kohlrabi is essential to enjoy its fresh, crisp flavor. Harvest the bulbous stems when they reach one to three inches in diameter for the best taste and texture. After harvest, store kohlrabi in the fridge or root cellar to preserve its freshness and quality.


If you have a surplus of kohlrabi, you can freeze or pickle it for long-term storage. By blanching and freezing the vegetable, you can enjoy its flavors and nutrients year-round.

Recipes and Cooking Ideas

Experimenting with kohlrabi in the kitchen opens a world of culinary possibilities. From fried kohlrabi with cilantro yogurt sauce to vegan cream of kohlrabi soup, there are endless ways to incorporate this versatile vegetable into your meals. Whether you’re a home cook or a seasoned chef, kohlrabi offers a unique flavor profile and texture that adds depth to your dishes.


In conclusion, growing kohlrabi is a rewarding and enjoyable experience that provides a plethora of benefits. From its unusual appearance to its delightful flavor, kohlrabi offers a unique addition to any garden. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can successfully plant and grow kohlrabi in your own home garden. So go ahead, grab some seeds, and get ready to enjoy the delights of this quirky vegetable!

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