The Complete Guide to Growing Teddy Bear Sunflowers

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Sunflowers, the iconic symbol of summer, come in all shapes and sizes. One variety that’s sure to catch your eye is the ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflower. Despite its name, these fluffy, bright yellow blooms look more like miniature mops than stuffed animals. If you’re looking to add a touch of cheer to your garden, ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers are the perfect choice.

All About ‘Teddy Bear’ Sunflowers

As an open-pollinated dwarf cultivar of Helianthus annuus, ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers are known for their fluffy, double-petaled blooms measuring five to six inches across. These charming annuals attract bees and other pollinators, making them a great addition to any garden.

Beyond their ornamental value, ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers have culinary uses as well. The edible petals can be used to garnish salads, soups, and baked goods. Additionally, you can harvest the seeds for planting or roasting as a tasty snack.

With a mature height of just two to four feet, ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers are perfect for small spaces or containers. They bloom over a period of five weeks, providing color and cheer throughout the summer.

Best Uses for ‘Teddy Bear’ Sunflowers

These compact, bushy sunflowers have a variety of uses in the garden:

  • Colorful addition to mixed beds and borders
  • Ideal for cutting gardens
  • Attracts pollinators
  • Suitable for growing in containers
  • Great for children’s gardens

Whether you’re filling in gaps in mixed plantings or creating a cheerful bouquet, ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers are a versatile and charming choice for any garden.

Growing Tips for Success

To ensure the best results when growing ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers, keep these tips in mind:

1. Sow Seeds at the Right Time

Wait for the soil temperature to reach 65-85˚F before planting or start seeds indoors for an early start.

2. Give Them Enough Room

Space plants 18-24 inches apart to accommodate their bushy growth habit.

3. Protect Young Plants

Use row covers or bird netting to prevent damage from birds, rabbits, and squirrels.

4. Give Them Enough Time to Grow

Allow 75 days from planting for ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers to bloom.

5. Deadhead Regularly

Remove spent blooms to encourage continuous flowering throughout the season.

6. Avoid Pesticides on Edibles

Refrain from using pesticides and herbicides if you plan on consuming the petals or seeds.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers in your garden.

A Virtual Hug from Your Garden

There’s something special about a bouquet of ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers that feels like a virtual hug. Whether they’re nodding and smiling in your garden border or brightening up your home in a vase, these cheery blooms are sure to lift your spirits.

If you’re growing ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers or have any tips to share, we’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Feel free to share your success stories and photos with us!

For more information on growing sunflowers, check out these helpful guides:

  • How to Identify and Control Common Sunflower Pests
  • How to Help Sunflowers That Won’t Bloom
  • How to Protect Sunflowers From Birds and Squirrels
  • 9 Popular Pollenless Sunflowers to Grow in Your Garden

With these resources, you’ll be well-equipped to grow a beautiful and bountiful garden full of ‘Teddy Bear’ sunflowers.

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