The Complete Guide to Harvesting Sweet Pea Seeds

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Are you looking to expand your garden with the charming and fragrant sweet pea flowers? Sweet peas, also known as Lathyrus odoratus, are classic favorites that have been cherished by gardeners for generations. Not only do these flowers offer a variety of colors and delightful scents, but they also generously self-seed, allowing you to easily propagate them in your garden. However, if you want to collect sweet pea seeds to share with others or plant in a different area, it’s essential to know the right harvesting techniques. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of collecting, harvesting, and storing sweet pea seeds for future use.

What You’ll Learn

  • How Do You Collect Sweet Pea Seeds?
  • When Do You Harvest Sweet Pea Seeds?
  • Pick and Store
  • How Long Will Sweet Pea Seeds Last?

How Do You Collect Sweet Pea Seeds?

To start the process of collecting sweet pea seeds, you first need to identify a few attractive plants that you want to duplicate. It’s important to note that only heirloom varieties will produce plants that are true to type. Modern cultivars may not yield the same results. Once you have selected your desired plants, allow the flowers to fade and die naturally on the plant. This will help the seed-containing pods to form.

When Do You Harvest Sweet Pea Seeds?

Harvesting sweet pea seeds requires careful observation. As the seeds mature inside the pods, you will notice the pods transitioning from light green to a darker green and swelling up. When the pods reach full maturity, they will turn a light brown color. At this point, it’s time to pluck the pods. Waiting too long can cause the pods to split open, dispersing the seeds and missing the opportunity to harvest them.

Once you have collected the pods, bring them indoors and allow them to dry on a rack for a few days to a week. The pods will start to open on their own at the seams. You can gently encourage this process by running your nail along the seams and pressing the pods’ contents into a container. Alternatively, you can place the pods in a paper bag, seal it tightly, and put it in a warm place. After a few days, shake the bag vigorously to release the seeds.

Try This Trick

If you prefer a more hands-off approach, consider using small muslin bags tied loosely around each stem above the pea pod. When the pods split, the bags will collect the seeds, making it easier to harvest and store them.

Pick and Store

Once you have extracted the seeds from the pods, store them in an envelope or a lidded jar. Make sure to label and date the container before placing it in a cool, dark location such as a cellar or refrigerator. Proper storage is essential to ensure the seeds remain viable for future planting.

How Long Will Sweet Pea Seeds Last?

When stored correctly, sweet pea seeds can remain viable for two to three years. By following these simple harvesting and storing techniques, you can enjoy a bountiful supply of sweet pea seeds for multiple growing seasons.

Have you ever collected sweet pea seeds? Share your tips and secrets in the comments section below!

For more information on growing flowers in your garden, check out these helpful guides next:

  • It’s Time to Plant Four O’Clocks
  • Give an Old-Fashioned Beauty New Life: Grow Wax Begonia
  • How to Grow and Care for Dianthus Flowers

Remember, harvesting sweet pea seeds is a rewarding process that allows you to propagate these beautiful flowers in your garden. With the right techniques and a little patience, you can enjoy a stunning display of sweet peas year after year.

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