How to Make Your Jack-O’-Lanterns Last Longer: Tips and Tricks for a Festive Halloween

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It’s that time of year again – Halloween is right around the corner, and that means it’s time for pumpkin carving! But there’s nothing worse than spending hours creating a beautiful jack-o’-lantern, only to have it turn into a mushy mess within a few days.

Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. From choosing the perfect pumpkin to proper care techniques, we’ve compiled a list of 9 tips that will help you keep your decorative masterpieces fresh for a spooky and festive Halloween night.

The Lifeline of Your Pumpkin: The Stem

When selecting your pumpkin, make sure to choose one with a firm, lengthy stem that is still attached. A good stem acts as a lifeline for your pumpkin, providing vital nutrients to help it last longer. A shriveled stem is a red flag – opt for a pumpkin with a healthy, intact stem for better longevity.

Red Flags: Watch Out for Blemishes

Bruises, cuts, and scars are indicators of stress on your pumpkin, which may lead to a shorter lifespan. To ensure your pumpkin lasts as long as possible, choose one with the least blemishes and imperfections on its skin.

Go Green for a Longer Life

An unripe pumpkin will last longer than a ripe one, so opt for the greenest pumpkin you can find. Not only will it last longer, but it will also give your jack-o’-lantern a fresh and unique look.

Keep It Clean

When you bring your pumpkin home, give it a good wash with antibacterial dish detergent or hand soap. This will help remove any rot-inducing debris and bacteria, keeping your pumpkin fresher for longer.

A Back Door Instead of a Lid

Instead of cutting off the top of your pumpkin, try carving an opening in the back. This allows you to remove the piece easily and provides convenient access to the cavity. Leaving the stem intact allows the pumpkin to continue receiving nutrients, helping it stay fresh longer.

Simplify Your Designs

To extend the life of your jack-o’-lantern, opt for simple designs with fewer cuts. Intricate designs with many cuts can increase vulnerability to rotting, so save those complex designs for last-minute touches.

Freshen Up with Baking Soda

Place a cup of baking soda inside the clean cavity of your pumpkin to absorb moisture and odors. Just remember to remove it while the pumpkin is lit with a candle to prevent any safety hazards.

Elevate on a Plate

Prevent moisture absorption and insect infestations by placing your pumpkin on an old plate instead of directly on the ground. This simple trick can help your pumpkin stay looking fresh for longer.

Indoor Sleeping for Jack

To avoid excess moisture from dew and frost, bring your carved pumpkin inside at night. Keep it in a cool, dry location until you’re ready to display it outdoors again.

By following these tips, you’ll maximize the lifespan of your jack-o’-lantern and enjoy its festive glow for longer. With proper care and a few simple tricks, you can keep your decorative masterpiece looking fresh and spooky all season long.

Safety First: What NOT to Do

While there are plenty of tips and tricks for extending the life of your carved pumpkins, it’s important to steer clear of certain ideas that can pose safety hazards. Avoid using petroleum jelly, mineral oil, hairspray, or desiccant packages to preserve your pumpkins. These materials are flammable, combustible, or may pose choking hazards, especially for children. To ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween, stick to the tried-and-true methods for keeping your pumpkins fresh and festive.

Additional Resources for Pumpkin Lovers

Looking for more seasonal inspiration and ideas? Check out the following resources:

  • Tips for arranging foliage from your garden
  • Growing fall-blooming flowers like New England aster and chrysanthemum
  • How to cook with winter squash

For a new and unique pumpkin-growing experience, consider planting white pumpkins with New Moon Hybrid seeds. These seeds are available from True Leaf Market and offer a fun twist on traditional orange pumpkins for next year’s Halloween festivities.

Don’t forget to share photos of your jack-o’-lanterns on social media and let us know which preservation tips have worked best for you. We love seeing your creative designs and hearing about your experiences with pumpkin carving!


With a little care and attention to detail, you can keep your jack-o’-lantern looking fresh and festive for longer. By following these simple tips and tricks, you can enjoy the spooky glow of your decorative masterpiece throughout the Halloween season. So grab your carving tools, pick out the perfect pumpkin, and get ready to showcase your creative skills with a beautifully preserved jack-o’-lantern this Halloween!

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