How to Plant Kohlrabi Seeds: A Comprehensive Guide

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Kohlrabi, also known as the “German turnip,” is a unique and delicious member of the brassica family that offers a variety of culinary possibilities. In this guide, we’ll explore the fascinating world of kohlrabi and detail the step-by-step process of planting its seeds to grow your own batch of this tasty vegetable.

Unveiling the Magic of Kohlrabi

Before we delve into the intricacies of planting kohlrabi seeds, let’s take a moment to appreciate the unique characteristics of this crop. Kohlrabi belongs to the brassica family and is a cultivated form of wild cabbage. It shares its genetic lineage with popular vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.

The botanical name for kohlrabi is Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes, indicating its affiliation with the Gongylodes Group. This vegetable offers a crisp texture and a flavor profile that combines elements of cabbage and broccoli. Both the bulb and the leaves of kohlrabi are edible, making it a versatile addition to any garden.

Why Grow Kohlrabi from Seed

Kohlrabi is relatively easy to grow from seed, and the process allows you to enjoy a bountiful harvest of this delightful vegetable. The bulbs of kohlrabi can grow up to six inches in diameter, with a range of varieties offering unique colors and flavors. By planting kohlrabi seeds in your garden, you can experience the joy of watching this unique vegetable flourish under your care.

Now, let’s explore the various stages involved in planting kohlrabi seeds to ensure a successful growth cycle.

Getting Started

Kohlrabi thrives in cool weather conditions with daytime temperatures ranging from 65 to 75°F. The ideal planting times for kohlrabi seeds vary depending on your geographical location and climate zone.

  • Zones 3-5: Start seeds indoors four to six weeks before the average last frost date for a spring crop, or directly sow outdoors two weeks after the last frost date.
  • Zones 6-9: Sow seeds indoors in late winter for a mid-spring crop, or plant indoors in midsummer for a late fall or winter harvest.

Select a kohlrabi variety that suits your climate and planting timeline. Varieties like ‘Purple Vienna’ offer a vibrant purple exterior and a deliciously sweet flavor, making them an excellent choice for beginners.

Prepare your garden soil by ensuring it is rich, loamy, and well-draining with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. Choose a sunny location that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily to promote healthy growth.

Sowing the Seeds

There are two primary methods for planting kohlrabi seeds: starting indoors and direct sowing outdoors. Let’s explore each of these techniques in detail.

Starting Indoors

To start kohlrabi seeds indoors, follow these steps:

  1. Fill seed-starting trays with a seed-starting mix.
  2. Make quarter-inch divots in each cell and plant one or two kohlrabi seeds.
  3. Keep the soil moist until germination occurs, typically in five to 10 days.
  4. Maintain a room temperature of 65-70°F for optimal seedling growth.
  5. After germination, thin the seedlings to ensure robust growth.
  6. Harden off the seedlings by gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions.
  7. Transplant the hardened-off seedlings into the garden at the appropriate spacing.

Direct Sowing Outdoors

For direct sowing kohlrabi seeds outdoors:

  1. Prepare the planting area with well-drained soil and sunlight.
  2. Plant seeds in quarter-inch divots nine to 12 inches apart.
  3. Keep the soil moist until germination.
  4. Thin the seedlings after they develop true leaves.
  5. Plant additional seeds every two weeks for continuous harvest.

Transplanting Seedlings Out into the Garden

If you’re transplanting seedlings, follow these steps for a successful transition:

  1. Dig holes to match the size of the root ball.
  2. Gently remove seedlings from pots and transplant them into the garden.
  3. Water thoroughly and monitor growth for healthy development.

Seedling Care Tips

To ensure the health and vitality of your kohlrabi seedlings, follow these care tips:

  • Fertilize regularly with an organic fertilizer to promote growth.
  • Control weeds to prevent competition for nutrients.
  • Provide adequate water and monitor soil moisture levels.
  • Protect seedlings from extreme temperatures with mulch or shade cloth.
  • Harvest leaves at the appropriate time to support bulb development.

By following these seedling care tips, you can nurture your kohlrabi plants to maturity and enjoy a bountiful harvest of this unique vegetable.

The Delight of Growing Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is not only a delightful addition to your vegetable garden but also a fascinating plant to grow from seed. By planting kohlrabi seeds and tending to the seedlings with care, you can experience the joy of cultivating your own supply of this versatile brassica.

Do you have any tips or questions about growing kohlrabi from seed? Share your insights in the comments below and join the conversation. And for more information on kohlrabi varieties, companion plants, and health benefits, explore our related guides for additional insights into this remarkable vegetable.

Enjoy the process of planting kohlrabi seeds and witnessing the beauty of this unique vegetable as it thrives in your garden!

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