How and When to Prune Umbrella Plants

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If you’re like me and love the beauty and low maintenance of umbrella plants, also known as schefflera or Heptapleurum plants, you probably want to ensure that your plant looks its best at all times. While these plants are generally easy to care for, a little bit of pruning can go a long way in keeping them healthy and visually appealing.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about when and how to prune your umbrella plants, including growth habits, pruning techniques, topping methods, and tips for outdoor plants.

What You’ll Learn

Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect to learn in this guide:

  • Schefflera Growth Habits: Understand the natural growth patterns of umbrella plants to make informed pruning decisions.
  • Pruning Techniques: Learn how to prune your plants effectively to maintain their shape and health.
  • Topping Methods: Explore the process of “topping” umbrella plants to encourage bushier growth.
  • Outdoor Plant Pruning: Discover how to prune outdoor umbrella plants for optimal growth and aesthetics.

Schefflera Growth Habits

Umbrella plants are woody shrubs that are commonly grown in tree-like forms. They have multiple branches and trunks, which can be pruned back dramatically in larger specimens. However, smaller plants require more careful pruning.

There are two main species of umbrella plants commonly grown as houseplants: H. actinophylla and H. arboricola. While their growth habits are similar, H. arboricola remains smaller in size.

When pruning your umbrella plant, keep in mind that new branches will sprout from the nearest node to where you make a cut. This knowledge can help you make strategic pruning decisions to encourage growth in desired areas.

How to Prune

Before you start pruning your umbrella plant, carefully inspect the plant for any overgrown areas, damaged branches, or imbalanced growth. Remove any dead, dying, or diseased branches, as well as those that are rubbing against each other or crossing.

Once you’ve addressed these issues, you can shape the plant by pruning off any extra-long branches or thin areas. Remember to rotate the plant and view it from all angles to ensure an even shape.

When making cuts, always prune just above a leaf bud or branch to promote new growth. For younger plants, you can remove up to a third of the leaves, while older specimens can tolerate up to half leaf removal.


Topping is a useful technique for reducing the height of umbrella plants and encouraging bushier growth lower down on the plant. To top your plant, remove all foliage from the top of the main trunk, and new branches will sprout below the cut.

If your umbrella plant is looking leggy or bare, consider topping it to rejuvenate its growth. Be cautious not to remove more than half of the plant at once, as this could stress the plant. You can propagate the top portion you removed by placing it in potting medium to encourage new growth.

Pruning Outdoor Plants

Outdoor umbrella plants can be pruned more aggressively than indoor specimens. While you should still make strategic cuts, feel free to prune hard if needed to reshape the plant. Make cuts in front of a leaf bud to encourage branching.

You can prune outdoor plants back by over half if necessary, but avoid doing this every year. In between heavy prunings, focus on shaping the plant and removing dead, diseased, or deformed branches.

Give ‘Em the Chop

Pruning your umbrella plants is essential for maintaining their health and appearance. Whether you want to provide shape, remove damaged branches, or control growth, pruning can help you achieve your goals effectively.

If you’re interested in learning more about pruning other houseplants, check out these guides:

  • How and When to Prune Pothos Plants
  • 7 Reasons to Prune Crotons (And How to Do It)
  • When and How to Prune Ficus Trees

What are your pruning goals for your umbrella plant? Share your plans in the comments section below. And remember, a little pruning goes a long way in keeping your plants happy and thriving.

With these detailed tips on how and when to prune umbrella plants, you’ll be equipped to care for your schefflera or Heptapleurum plants with confidence and skill. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your plants remain healthy, attractive, and flourishing for years to come.

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