How to Properly Prune Upright Junipers for a Stunning Garden Display

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Are you looking to enhance your garden with the striking beauty of upright junipers? Upright junipers are known for making a bold statement in any garden, whether you have a majestic ‘Spartan’ or a row of ‘Skyrocket’ shrubs. These unique plants can add an element of elegance and structure to your outdoor space.

While most upright junipers can maintain their shape without much pruning, certain factors such as heavy snow, consistent wind, or disease can impact their appearance. To keep your junipers looking their best, occasional pruning may be necessary. However, it’s important to note that the primary goal of pruning is to maintain the plant’s existing shape or tidy it up, rather than drastically altering its appearance.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about pruning upright junipers to ensure they remain healthy and visually appealing. From the essential tools you’ll need to the best timing for pruning, we’ve got you covered.

Pruning Upright Junipers

When it comes to pruning upright junipers, it’s essential to follow the right techniques to avoid damaging the plant. Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide:

  • Tools You’ll Need
  • Timing
  • Pruning Technique
  • What to Avoid

Before we dive into the specifics of pruning, let’s take a look at some of the beautiful upright juniper cultivars that you might want to consider adding to your garden:

  • ‘Wichita Blue’: A large shrub with steel blue foliage that can handle heavy pruning.
  • ‘Skyrocket’: A narrow cultivar ideal for creating a windbreak or living fence.
  • ‘Moonglow’: Features blue-green foliage with a hint of silver for a unique appearance.

Now, let’s move on to the essential aspects of pruning your upright junipers.

Tools You’ll Need

To effectively prune your upright junipers, you’ll need a few basic tools to get the job done right. Here’s what you should have on hand:

  • Sharp bypass pruners
  • Anvil and ratchet pruners for larger branches
  • Loppers or a tree saw for thicker branches
  • Protective gloves and clothing to shield yourself from sharp leaves

Investing in quality tools such as the classic Felco F-2 pruners can make the pruning process easier and more efficient.


When it comes to pruning upright junipers, timing is crucial. Pruning can be done at any time except when the air temperatures are below freezing. It’s best to avoid late fall pruning as it can expose the plant to winter damage.

For optimal results, aim to prune in late winter or early spring when the plant is dormant. If you need to prune during the fall, do so with caution, as it may not be as ideal. Additionally, avoid pruning during heatwaves when the plant is already stressed.

Pruning Technique

The key to successfully pruning upright junipers lies in using the right technique based on the size of the branches or stems you’re cutting. Here’s a simple guide to pruning your junipers effectively:

  • Small Stems: Use bypass pruners for green growth to encourage bushiness.
  • Larger Branches: Use a saw or loppers for branches bigger than your pinky, making sure to cut to the branch collar to promote new growth.
  • Avoiding Old Wood: Do not prune back into old wood as it won’t stimulate new growth.
  • Remove Diseased or Discolored Branches: Trim any lopsided or unhealthy growth to maintain the plant’s health.

By following these pruning techniques, you can ensure that your upright junipers remain healthy and visually appealing in your garden.

What to Avoid

While pruning is essential for the health of your upright junipers, there are certain pitfalls to avoid during the process:

  • Avoid Cutting the Main Trunk: Never prune the main central trunk (leader) as it can weaken the plant.
  • Don’t Prune into Old Wood: Cutting into old wood won’t stimulate new growth.
  • Avoid Sealing Cuts: Conifers do not require cuts to be sealed, as they have natural defense mechanisms.
  • Limit Pruning Amount: Do not prune more than a quarter to a third of the plant at once to avoid stress.

Lastly, refrain from shearing your plants, as it can lead to issues such as needle drop and unhealthy growth.


Pruning upright junipers requires a delicate balance of technique and timing to keep these striking plants looking their best. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to maintain the health and beauty of your junipers for years to come.

Do you have any specific upright juniper cultivars you’re interested in pruning? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Happy pruning!

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