The Ultimate Guide to Repotting Amaryllis Bulbs

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Are you ready to brighten up your home with the vibrant, trumpet-shaped flowers of the amaryllis plant? These stunning blooms come in a variety of colors and can really add a pop of color to your indoor space, especially during the dark days of winter.

Amaryllis bulbs, which belong to the Hippeastrum genus of the Amaryllidaceae family, are known for their long-lasting blooms and can be regrown for decades with the right care. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about repotting your amaryllis bulbs to keep them thriving and producing abundant flowers.

What You’ll Learn

  • Bulb Basics
  • When and How to Repot
  • Growing Tips

Bulb Basics

Native to Central and South America, amaryllis bulbs are prized for their large, exuberant flowers that can brighten up any indoor space. While they are often thought of as one-season wonders, these bulbs can be regrown for years with proper care.

After blooming, the foliage of the amaryllis plant turns yellow and then brown as it dies back. This is the plant’s way of entering dormancy to rest and gather energy for the next growing season. During this time, it is important to provide the bulb with the right care to ensure its longevity.

When and How to Repot

Repotting your amaryllis bulbs is essential to provide them with optimal growing conditions as they mature. Here is a step-by-step guide on when and how to repot your bulbs:

  1. Repot only when the bulbs are fully dormant.
  2. Gently lift the bulbs out of their pot and clean them.
  3. Trim the roots close to the basal plate.
  4. Rehydrate the bulbs by soaking the basal plate in water for several hours.
  5. Choose a pot that is one or two inches wider than the bulb’s diameter and has good drainage.
  6. Plant the bulbs in a loose, humus-rich potting medium, leaving the top one-third or the neck above the soil line.
  7. Water the soil thoroughly and place the pot in a sunny windowsill.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your amaryllis bulbs have the space and nutrients they need to grow and bloom successfully.

Growing Tips

Once your amaryllis bulbs start growing, it is important to provide them with the right care to ensure healthy and abundant blooms. Here are some tips for growing your amaryllis plants:

  • Grow them on a sunny windowsill.
  • Keep them in a room with temperatures around 65 to 70°F.
  • Water the soil lightly but regularly.
  • Support leaning stems with stakes to prevent them from falling over.

With proper care, your amaryllis bulbs can last for decades and produce beautiful blooms year after year. To keep them thriving, make sure to continue watering and fertilizing regularly even after they finish flowering.


Amaryllis bulbs are a wonderful addition to any indoor space, providing vibrant colors and beautiful blooms during the winter months. By repotting your bulbs at the right time and providing them with the care they need, you can enjoy their flowers for years to come.

If you have any questions about repotting your amaryllis bulbs or want to learn more about their cultivation, feel free to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to check out our other guides on growing and caring for amaryllis plants to expand your knowledge.

With the right care and attention, your amaryllis bulbs will reward you with spectacular floral displays that will brighten up your home year after year.

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