Ultimate Guide: When and How to Transplant Daylilies

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Daylilies are the perfect addition to any garden for a multitude of reasons. They are not only beautiful and colorful but also resilient and versatile. Whether you are moving to a new house or redesigning your garden, there may come a time when you need to transplant your beloved daylilies. But fear not, moving these plants is a simple and straightforward process that anyone can do.

In this ultimate guide, we will cover everything you need to know about transplanting daylilies. From when to transplant, how to prepare, the actual transplanting process, and tips for ensuring your daylilies thrive in their new location.

Why Transplant Daylilies?

Before we dive into the specifics of when and how to transplant daylilies, let’s take a moment to appreciate why these plants are so beloved by gardeners everywhere. Daylilies are fast-growing plants that can live for many years, blooming in vibrant colors and even being edible for those adventurous gardeners. They are tough and adaptable, making them the perfect choice for both beginner and experienced gardeners alike.

So, whether you are moving house and want to take your daylilies with you, or they have outgrown their current location, knowing how to transplant them is key to keeping your garden looking beautiful.

When to Transplant Daylilies

Knowing when to transplant your daylilies is crucial to ensure their successful relocation. While daylilies can technically be moved at any time of the year when the ground is workable, the most successful times to transplant them are in the spring or fall.

In the spring, wait for the shoots to just start emerging. This allows you to see where the plant is, but it hasn’t grown too large to be difficult to work with. In the fall, wait until the plants stop blooming. If your daylilies bloom until the first frost, simply trim off the blossoms before transplanting.

Before transplanting, trim the foliage down by about half, or wait until the leaves have died back on their own. If you choose to move a plant in the summer, be aware that it may not bloom that year. Always choose a cool, overcast day to minimize transplant shock, and avoid working in soggy, wet soil to prevent compaction.

How to Transplant Daylilies


Preparation is key when moving any plant, including daylilies. Start by digging a large hole in the new location that is at least half as deep as your plants grow tall, and a bit wider than the width of the plant. Work some well-rotted compost into the soil you removed from the hole, and remove any rocks or weeds you come across.

If you are working with mature growth, prune the plant down but do not cut more than half. Remove any flowering stems to encourage new growth.

Start Digging

Use a shovel to dig up the entire daylily, roots, and all. While you may not be able to dig up all the roots, as long as you get the majority, the plant should be fine. Ensure you take up all the stolons or rhizomes if you want to completely relocate the plant.

For larger patches, consider using a wheelbarrow or a tarp for easy transport. It’s okay to leave some fibrous roots behind, but if any rhizomatous roots remain, a new plant may emerge.


Add soil to the bottom of the hole so that the depth matches the size of the roots. Lower the plant into place in its new home, adjusting the amount of soil as needed to keep the plant at the same height as before. Fill in around the roots, firm it up, add water to settle the soil, and add more soil as needed once it settles.

Tips for Successful Transplanting

Here are some additional tips to ensure a successful transplant of your daylilies:

  1. Water the plant well before transplanting to reduce stress.
  2. Keep the roots moist during the transplanting process.
  3. Transplant on a cool, overcast day to minimize shock.
  4. Avoid transplanting during extreme heat or cold.
  5. Trim back foliage to reduce stress on the plant.

Personal Experience: Moving Daylilies with Ease

One gardener shared her experience of moving daylilies and how resilient these plants truly are. After leaving a bunch of daylilies unpacked for a week, she planted them and watched them recover slowly over the year. By the next year, they were thriving once again, showcasing the resilience of these plants even when put through a bit of neglect.

So, remember, daylilies can bounce back from a lot of abuse, but it’s always best to be kind to your plants and ensure they have a smooth transition to their new home.


Transplanting daylilies is a relatively simple process that can be done successfully with a bit of preparation and care. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your daylilies thrive in their new location and continue to bring beauty to your garden for years to come.

So, whether you are moving house, redesigning your garden, or simply want to share your daylilies with friends, knowing how to transplant them is a valuable skill for any gardener. With the tips and advice provided here, you can confidently move your daylilies and watch them thrive in their new home.

So, grab your shovel and get ready for moving day…lilies! And remember, a successful transplant is just a few steps away. Happy gardening!

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