How to Revive a Wilting Peace Lily: Causes and Solutions

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Are you the proud owner of a beautiful peace lily, but lately, you’ve noticed it looking a bit droopy? Don’t panic just yet! Peace lilies, scientifically known as Spathiphyllum spp., are known for their expressive nature. They can quickly show you when something is wrong, allowing you to address the issue before it becomes fatal.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various reasons why your peace lily may be drooping and provide you with practical solutions to revive your plant. From cold temperatures to pests, we will cover the top seven causes of wilting peace lilies and help you get your plant back to its perky self.

Why Is My Peace Lily Drooping?

Let’s dive into the common reasons why your peace lily may be drooping:

  1. Cold Temperatures: Exposure to cold temperatures, especially near windows or exterior doors, can stress or stun your peace lily.

  2. Disease: Root rot, caused by fungi such as Cylindrocladium and Pythium, can lead to wilting leaves.

  3. Not Enough Water: One of the most frequent causes of wilting in peace lilies is underwatering.

  4. Overwatering: Surprisingly, overwatering can also cause drooping in peace lilies, leading to root rot.

  5. Pests: While peace lilies are relatively pest-resistant, infestations by mealybugs, scale, or spider mites can cause wilting.

  6. Rootbound Plant: A rootbound plant, where the roots are densely packed in the container, can result in rapid dehydration of the plant.

  7. Too Much Light: Direct sunlight, especially in the afternoon, can lead to drooping in peace lilies.

Now, let’s explore each of these causes in more detail and learn how to address them effectively.

Cold Temperatures

If your peace lily is positioned near windows or doors during cold weather, it may be exposed to temperatures below its preferred range. While peace lilies thrive in temperatures above 50°F, frigid conditions near windows can harm the plant.

To prevent cold-related issues, ensure your peace lily is placed away from drafty areas and maintain a consistent temperature within your home.


Root rot, caused by fungi such as Cylindrocladium and Pythium, can lead to wilting leaves in peace lilies. If your plant shows signs of wilting along with yellowing foliage and black, mushy roots, it may be suffering from root rot.

To address root rot, repot your plant in fresh soil, treat it with a fungicide, and ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Not Enough Water

Underwatering is a common cause of wilting in peace lilies. These plants prefer moist but well-drained soil. If you notice drooping leaves, water your plant thoroughly to help it regain turgidity.

Ensure you water your peace lily just as the top inch of the soil dries out, preventing the roots from dehydrating and causing wilting.


Surprisingly, overwatering can also lead to drooping in peace lilies. If you notice your plant wilting, check the soil moisture by inserting your finger into the soil. The soil should be moist but not waterlogged.

Avoid watering your plant excessively, and ensure proper drainage by clearing any clogged drainage holes in the pot.


While peace lilies are generally resistant to pests, infestations by mealybugs, scale, or spider mites can cause wilting. If you notice these pests on your plant, treat the infestation promptly to prevent further damage.

After addressing the pest issue, remove any discolored leaves to promote new growth and vitality in your peace lily.

Rootbound Plant

A rootbound peace lily, where the roots are densely packed in the container, can lead to rapid dehydration and wilting. Check your plant for signs of rootbound growth, such as roots growing out of drainage holes or soil surface.

To address a rootbound plant, you can either divide it into smaller sections or repot it into a larger container with fresh soil. Loosen the roots carefully and trim any damaged roots to promote healthy growth.

Too Much Light

Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light and can suffer from wilting if exposed to direct sunlight, especially in the afternoon. If your plant is drooping due to excessive light exposure, consider moving it to a shadier location.

Ensure your peace lily receives adequate but gentle light to promote healthy growth and prevent wilting.

Perk Up Your Peace Lily!

In conclusion, peace lilies are wonderful plants that can communicate their needs clearly through their drooping leaves. By understanding the common causes of wilting and following the solutions provided in this guide, you can help your peace lily perk back up and thrive.

Whether it’s adjusting the watering schedule, repotting to prevent rootbound growth, or providing the right light conditions, you can revive your drooping peace lily and enjoy its beauty once again.

If you’re still facing challenges with your peace lily, feel free to share your experience in the comments, and we’ll assist you in finding the best solutions.

Now that your plant is on its way to recovery, explore our other informative guides to learn more about caring for peace lilies:

  • Are Peace Lily Plants Toxic to Cats?
  • When and How to Fertilize Peace Lilies
  • 5 Reasons Why Peace Lilies May Not Bloom

Let’s give your peace lily the care it deserves and watch it thrive once more.

Remember, a little care goes a long way in nurturing your beloved peace lily back to health!

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